
Saturday 29 August 2009

Art for Trees

Last weekend fires tore across mainland Greece. Thousands of homes were evacuated. Agriculture and pasture land was scorched, trees were burned, wildlife and nature were harmed. The worst tragedy is that the fire was probably man made. Manya and others within her community are working together to organise an exhibition of arts and crafts to raise funds to reforest the area. Reforestation is vital for ecological, environmental and economical reasons and to prevent desertificaton which is becoming a very real threat in parts of Greece.

You can help the 'Art for Trees' project by:
Donating arts or crafts
Following the 'Attika SOS' blog
Forwarding the blog link to people you feel may be interested in this project
Write a blog post about this project
Write suggestions or messages of support on 'Attica SOS'
Post the link to your myspace, facebook, twitter, bebo or other networking site homepage


  1. Thank you for spreading the word :)

  2. I'll see what I can do.

  3. Just stopping by to say hello and i like your new template and thanks for checking out my "bees" and I'm trying to catch up in my blog world having spent the past week intensely immersed in my corporate job - what, am I crazy? I'm heading outdoors now to get some air and maybe some pictures. Always lovely stopping by here...!

  4. It's terrible that Greece is experiencing these fires especially when they were man made. I hope the efforts of Manya and yourself doesn't go unnoticed. Hope all is well.

  5. Amazing shadow shot! I love the contracting leaves/flowers... thank you for sharing. :)

  6. thank you for helping to spread the word.


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