
Thursday 23 July 2009

Wild waters, Birds and Found Landscape Art

I walked along the Water of Leith today. The river was very high - the photo above shows the same weir that a few weeks ago the mallard ducklings were sliding down (see that photo here). The difference in water level is astonishing!

It was a good day for birds today, I had some excellent close views of two dippers (one of which I watched as it kept pushing its head under the water to look for food) as well as grey wagtails, a song thrush, more chaffinches than I have ever seen together in one place and a very young warbler that didn't seem to have learnt its song yet. I also stumbled across this lovely piece of minimalist landscape art, which somebody must have created recently....


  1. Lovely, lovely!

    Have you scene Andy Goldsworthy art in books or film? Or even in real life? (Lucky you, if you have!!) I adore his work and your minimalist art reminds me of it, of course!

  2. Deb - yes I have seen Andy Goldsworthy's art, there's a wonderful film that I saw a while ago.....

  3. That is lovely Juliet - how nice to just come across it like that. It does give me the idea of creating something as I go along somewhere, so that others might find it.

  4. Ha, ha I was just going to say something about that being a mini Andy Goldsworthy, but Deb beat me to it. There are a few books two and I think there are two videos. He did a stone fence over the hill here at Stanford University. I love all his work.

  5. It does sound like you had a good bird sighting day.
    I went for a swim in a lake last night at dusk. There was a large splash that sounded like a person jumping in. But it was ducks flying low. Amazing sound.

  6. I have come to love hearing about your walks around Water of Leith and the many discoveries you come across. I can't believe the difference in the water levels. And, all those birds you were so lucky to encounter. Hope all is well. Have a great night.

  7. Oh, how beautiful! I love your pictures and description of the gorgeous landscape.

  8. Enjoy the Water-walk reports! Dippers ... Dippers are a sign of clean and healthy water!

  9. What beautiful pictures -- thanks for sharing. I'm glad you got to see the lovely birds. And landscape art -- how fascinating!

  10. I'm still playing spot the ducklings on that picture link. I'm sticking at five.... and a half.

  11. What a magical discovery! The movie about Andy Goldsworthy, Rivers and Tides, is one of my favorites.

  12. Sounds like a refreshing walk and a good day for birds.


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