
Monday 13 July 2009

Tigers in Red Weather by Ruth Padel

Ruth Padel, who is best known as a poet, in Tigers in Red Weather travels through the countries where tigers live and those where they have recently become extinct. She meets the people who are involved in tiger conservation and discusses the situation around poaching, trade, deforestation and other issues threatening the future of the tiger. She also overcomes her own trepidation about adventurous hiking to climb into tiger territories to see the areas for herself.

This is a passionate and vividly described adventure but ultimately feels like a depressing exploration of one of our most beloved animal's last days.

Tigers in Red Weather by Ruth Padel, published by Abacus, £8.99.


  1. I've seen this book in the remainders section at our local bookstore. Thanks for warning me it was depressing, I will give a bit of a "store read" next time I'm there.

  2. Thank you for this! I wish more people would open their eyes and hearts to what's happening to the world around them. Too many people are obsessed with being entertained, they don't want to be bothered with anything that might make them feel bad. It's like Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Habitats are being destroyed, animals and plants are becoming extinct at an unheard of rate, and too many people choose not to care, because it's not "fun."

    Sorry about the rant, but I knew you'd understand.

  3. Just to clarify my last comment, I'm obviously not referring to you or your wonderful, caring readers.
    They are all obviously very informed and interested. I was referring to people in my daily environment, who don't even believe that global warming/climate change is a reality because we aren't having a hot summer. Hard to believe, yes? It's something I hear daily.

    OK, I'll stop ranting now. . .

  4. I have read this Juliet and in a way found it quite depressing reading - they are such a very endangered species and yet such magnificent animals. I would dearly love to see one in the wild.

  5. I think being able to see a wild animal in its natural habitat would be the greatest thing because you could see what is truly going on in their lives, their struggles.

    I agree with Angela that Global Warming and the Ozone have changed the way earth evolves on a daily basis. It scares me sometimes.

    I'm also guilty of trying to share the beauty nature provides. If someone sees what I do then I guess it has made one alert to their surroundings a bit more. Hopefully. Have a great day.

  6. Anonymous12:43 am

    Sounds like a fascinating read. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it next time I am out book browsing.


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