
Friday 10 July 2009

Swifts and rocket

The swift nest boxes have arrived! The contractor who was doing roof repairs for us (and who finished much earlier than expected!) is coming back on Monday to put the nest boxes up on the chimney as this is the only appropriate place that can be reached without scaffolding. (We live in a three storey tenement). I expect its too late for this year but next year I look forward to having our own swifts joining in with the local group that enjoy flying round here. If you're in the UK and you want to buy swift nest boxes, there is a good list of suppliers on the London Swift website.

I was in the garden today and noticed that the rocket I planted a little while ago was ready to pick, so that will go in the salad when my parents visit tonight! We'll have to wait a little longer for the lettuce and basil and something tells me we'll never see the chives.....


  1. Fantastic Swiftly News. Forethought brings wings.

  2. I'm sure you're excited about receiving your nest boxes but more so getting them placed Monday. I hope you have many days of enjoyment watching your swifts.

    Sounds like you have some definite plans tonight with your family. Hope your visit goes well. Have a great day.

  3. That is exciting!

  4. Lovely to hear about the swifts! And the rocket (mine was devoured by slugs).

  5. oh, wow. how exciting to have nests in the future!

    I stopped by to give you a blog award:

    enjoy your dinner!


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