
Wednesday 1 July 2009

Bird update

grey gravel
city centre carpark -
a sudden goldfinch.

(Yes! The songs I had heard were goldfinches and now I've seen them there too!
And the latest on the swifts is that, after some uncertainty over whether there was a good site for a nestbox on our roof, the news is that there is, so I'm off to buy a nestbox! It's been exciting to watch the 15 or so local swifts flying round rapidly and raucously all evening!)


  1. I like watching swifts too but have been to slow with the camera to catch up with one.

  2. News travels swiftly......

  3. I looked it up--thanks to Cornell labs--and the birds flying overhead on our early summer evenings are Chimney Swifts which are indeed a North American bird. We had dinner outside and the sound of their calls was quite striking.

  4. How exciting to have a sudden siting!

  5. So pleased they could find a good site for your nestbox. Moments away from enjoying the swifts daily. Your haiku is nice too. Hope all is well.

  6. Wonderful idea to add the roof nest boxes. I'm visualizing the swifts flying around your roof top. I'm not sure if we get them here in Vancouver.

  7. Hooray for urban nest-boxes! :)

  8. Let's hope you get some swift residents this year, or maybe next...

  9. How wonderful! We have goldfinches here, too, and the beautiful little males are the juvenile delinquents of my garden.
    They sit on my prettiest flowers, pulling off all the petals, tossing them to the ground, then they make the sweetest song and fly off. Followed by an adoring female who watched the entire spectacle, of course!

  10. goldfinches are the state bird of the state I grew up in... and reading this poem gave me the memory of them on a wire fence along the highway singing in the distance.


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