
Thursday 4 June 2009

Summer Haiku

There are often discussions about whether Summer starts at the beginning of June or on the summer solstice or whenever your local wildife tells you that summer has arrived in your locality. Well, according to the Summer Haiku blog, summer started on 1 June and there is already an excellent array of haiku there, including one of mine here.


  1. What a beautiful image you've created with your haiku...robins at your feet. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.

  2. I agree with Michelle here- a lovely image and restful spirit to this haiku.

  3. Delightful haiku - isn't it wonderful to be able to picnic in this beautiful weather again!

  4. Very nice, Juliet.

    In my personal calendar summer begins on our (American) Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; autumn on Labor Day, the first Monday in September; winter on Thanksgiving Day, the third Thursday in November; and spring on Valentine's Day, February 14. So we're pretty close on summer, anyway.

    walking barefoot
    on a wooden bridge . . .


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