
Tuesday 23 June 2009

A poetic miscellany

steady drizzle -
twenty house martins chase
low flying insects

I also posted this haiku on Summer Haiku. To see how the birds might look, you can watch a lovely video of swallows (related to martins) over at Elizabeth's Luchair blog - here.

I've got five haiku in the latest issue of Haiku Scotland (which unfortunately isn't available online!) and one appeared recently at Beer Haiku Daily, which you can read here.

I also have a poem The Family Her String Quartet over on Aireings, magazine, which you can read here.


  1. Congratulations! All of your poems are beautiful. I also LOVE "The Family Her String Quartet." Fantastic! I'll go back and read all of the links now. I just had to say how much I love what you've done. Thanks for posting it here.

  2. Hello Crafty~ I love your haiku. Steady drizzle, how clever! Congrats on your poems being published. It doesn't surprise me though as you are a well written poet. Have a great day.

  3. Wow, CGP, you have been busy. Well done. I love the incisiveness of your thinking and crisp succinctness of your expression. Never a word wasted!

  4. Congratulations! I always enjoy your poems and photos, and the way you look at things in general. Well done!

  5. When the Cat's away the mice will play ... freedom jazz!!

  6. Congratulations on all the haiku - I'm away to follow them up!

  7. Congrats on all the (well-deserved!) publications. Wonderful.

  8. How exciting! I love this haiku, it's image is so strong.

  9. I have a feeling that fungi on a living tree is not good news but, yes, it is a very attractive sprouting, all the same. I love the haiku!

  10. Julie, Michelle, Coastcard, Angela, Elizabeth, Susan - thanks!

    Rabbits Guy :)

    Margaret - no you're right, fungi on a living tree is not a good sign and in fact I think all the trees I've photographed with the fungi are already dead...

  11. Well done for your haiku! Xan we find the book on amazon? Ciao. A.

  12. What a lovely haiku! And congrats on having five of your haiku in Haiku Scotland.

  13. Lately, I have been watching swifts doing exactly the same thing. I must make more time for haiku, yours are always so enjoyable to read. x


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