
Tuesday 2 June 2009

The Grocer's Son

This is a beautiful, thoughtful and gently humourous film shot in the mountains of France. The story revolves around Antoine, a surly young man who has left his rural home to go to the city but who returns reluctantly when his father becomes ill. Antoine takes over his father's mobile grocery but is rude to customers left right and centre. However, helped by his friend Claire, he soon begins to improve his customer care skills....

The scenery is wonderful and the film touches on issues of rural depopulation and the difficulties of maintaining successful businesses in rural areas, without ever becoming preachy or overloaded with issues. It also nicely promotes the use of mobile community services and shows how a mobile shop has the potential to be so much more than that to its customers.

The Grocers Son is showing in selected cinemas in the UK.


  1. Hi Juliet,

    I loved the movie and the rural landscape in which it was set.
    I thought that it was touching and real without becoming sentimental,

    Happy days

  2. Have you seen 'Une hirondelle a fait le printemps'? I think you'd enjoy that too, though occasionally it's a bit raw. It's about a Parisian woman who works in IT who retrains and goes to farm goats in the mountains.

    I'll look out for this one...

  3. oh, i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this movie! it's one of my faves.

  4. Delwyn, Odessa - how great to find others who already love this film!

    Lucy, I've not seen 'Une hirondelle.... but I'll look out for it, thanks for the recommendation


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