
Friday 8 May 2009

Water of Leith Conservation Trust

I spent this morning helping to prepare for the annual plant sale for the Water of Leith Conservation Trust. We had a very pleasant, though rather dirty (all that soil!) morning, sorting and labelling plants. (If you're in Edinburgh, do pop along to the sale, it starts at 10am, and will be held at Water of Leith Visitor Centre, 24 Lanark Road.) There will be thousands of plants at bargain prices - herbacious garden plants, shrubs, trees, bedding plants, herbs and vegetables. The home baking Cafe will be open all day and there will be a cake stall! All proceeds from the sale go towards protecting Edinburgh's River.

In a couple of weeks I will officially start to 'patrol' a section of the river, making notes on the wildlife, invasive plants and problems such as litter, vandalism etc.


  1. Patrolling sounds like a good job! And one for which you are uniquely suited.......

  2. My two loves, plants and cakes! Hope the sale goes well. I will look forward to reading your notes from the river patrol. x

  3. 'Tis the time for plant sales ... make a million!

    We all await the Patrol Notes!!! and your observations about the value of the patrols.

    Around here a lot of things get reported. Not many get fixed!!!

  4. Anonymous1:34 pm

    I'm off to a plant sale today! Both to help and buy. :)

    What a great task, patrolling the river.

  5. What a wonderful thing you are doing! I look forward to hearing more about it.

  6. Rabbits Guy - the Trust is good in that it holds regular clean ups and will respond to things that patrollers notice, certainly where its within their powers....

  7. We had a spring sale just like that - the horticulture club sponsors it - it's a neat way to share any plants that may have taken over one's garden :)


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