
Tuesday 26 May 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

I was delighted that Angela of Art Life Stories and A Note from Your Mother , awarded me the One Lovely Blog Award. This award should be passed on to fifteen (count them 15!) good looking new blogs. I may play fast & loose with the "new" part (as Angela did before me!) but these are beautiful blogs I enjoy, which either started within the last eighteen months or which I have only recently discovered. Now this may take some time and is a very difficult choice to make. So let's look for beautiful blogs:

Mr Barrington is one of the newest bunny bloggers and he is truly a beautiful bunny
Marina is a very talented artist and has a lovely blog at La Scatola dei Colori
Weaver of Grass shares a lot of beautiful things in her blog, not least lovely photos of British wildflowers
I'm not a dog person really, but Edward has totally won me over in From the House of Edward. Pamela also shares beautiful pictures and writing.
Elizabeth share beautiful photos and poetry at Luchair
Annie shares beautiful writing at Ink Haven
Na shares very beautiful photos at her new blog Between each Blink
More gorgeous photos from Delwyn at Hazy Moon
Mary at Art Spirit sews amazing dolls and other things, including mushrooms
Carol shares her birdsightings and nature notes from the Fieldbook
Purest Green shares lovely photos of the landscapes and historic buildings of Scotland in Scotland for the Senses
More beautiful words and photos at Lassie and Timmie
Kelly Shepherd shares the beauty of Korea
and finally, because Springwatch has just started on the BBC, the Springwatch blogs


  1. Hello there Juliet, thanks so much, that's really kind of you! Thanks for choosing between each blink. Speaking of which, from tomorrow for a few days, I'll be having 2 giveaways, one over at between each blink and the other one over at shadowsandclouds, so please feel free to participate if you'd like (something sewn on one giveaway, something photographed at the other).
    Have a good evening and thanks again, Nadia :)

  2. p.s. - and i'm looking forward to delving into these other blogs too! thanks for the links!

  3. Thank you so much for this lovely honor!! Edward is thrilled to have had a part in converting you to dog love!! We are both tickled you enjoy our blog, as we do yours!!

  4. Thanks for the award. And you certainly deserved to receive the award in the first place.

  5. Congratulations on the Lovely Blog Award, which looks like it is much deserved here! Lovely posts and photographs, I enjoyed browsing today.

  6. Juliet,
    Well done to you for receiving this acknowledgment and
    thank you so much...I am happy to belong to this creative group of Happy Bloggers...

    Happy days

  7. Whew .. two awards to pass on in three days! Boy .. good job rounding up the fine 15 ...

  8. Congrats on the award.

  9. Yours is definitely "One Lovely Blog" and I thank you so much for including me in your fifteen!

  10. I'm honored! Thank you so much for including me on this excellent and interesting list! And I enjoy your photos and writing, as always. Thanks again!

  11. Barrington is a huge fan of your blog and he is honored to be awarded this alongside you! How sweet of you to think of him. Thanks so much!

  12. What a wonderful list, Juliet! I look forward to discovering some beautiful new blogs.
    Best wishes,

  13. Thank you, Juliet. So pleased. Great to be part of this list of lovely blogs. Ax

  14. Thanks ever so much for the wee award - a new and lovely reader has already found my blog thanks to your link.

    Oh - before I forget - love the new header!

  15. i looking forward to exploring some of these i haven't seen... its a small world, in the breath of all these words. (i was just tagged by one of your choices!)

  16. Anonymous4:31 am

    Hi Juliet! I just came back from visiting my daughter [hence the delay in responding :-)]. Thanks you so very very much for including my blog in the 15 receiving the lovely award. You definitely deserve yours!!!!

  17. Thank you, Juliet - so kind of you!


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!