
Sunday 24 May 2009

Kreativ Blogger

Thanks very much to Poet with a Day Job for awarding me the Kreativ Blogger Award. The rules are to list seven things I love and then seven bloggers to give the award to. So seven things I love:

3. Gorgie Farm, especially their rabbits! (The farm has an open day on Sunday, 19 July!)
5. Raspberry Jam from Cyrenians Organic Farm, just outside Edinburgh
6. Scottish brewed real ale
7. recycled crafts
And now the bloggers. I would say that all the bloggers that I regularly visit or that are listed on my sidebar are creative, and I don't want to single anyone out at this stage, so....


  1. I like your list of your loves. They seem to me to reflect how well-woven together you are with your place on earth. Since you're a regular (and welcomed) guest at Diamond-Cut Life, I think I should take you up on your suggestion . . . . .this week I'll list seven of my loves in one of my posts, as well.

  2. I like the sound of that raspberry jam. Chronicles of a Country Girl (see my blog list) had a marvellous salad dressing the other week, using raspberry jam. It was 2 tblspns olive oil, 4ox jam, half tblspn balsmic vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard. I have tried it on chicken salad it is lovely - sure you could adapt for vegetarian.

  3. What a delightful blog you have! I feel like I took a walk in the country...such beautiful photos and countryside where you live.

  4. Scottish brewed ale, hmmmmm

  5. Congratulations, Juliet!
    And I appreciate the links- I'm not familiar with most of your "loves"!

  6. The Water of Leith is in good hands!!!

  7. Anonymous7:46 am

    Congratulations on the well deserved award!

  8. Well done - great seven loves.

  9. Really like your list - I love the Isle of Skye too and would like to get acquainted with that raspberry jam!

  10. Wonderful list of loves - the ale and raspberry jam sound delicious (though perhaps not enjoyed at the same time!) I'll be visiitng the links you posted soon.

    Your new blog header is absolutely stunning!


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