
Friday 1 May 2009

Decorative Dumpster Day

I'm still out of town, this is a post I set up before I left! I was asked, by Ruby of Olympia Dumpster Divers if I wanted to take part in Decorative Dumpster Day, but I have found no decorated skips or large bins in Edinburgh, so I have no photos to share. But you can find photos at these participating blogs:


  1. There are no decorated dumpsters around here, but this one is funny!

  2. very cool idea, the decorative dumpster. I'll keep an eye out for one.

    Look forward to the tales you'll have to tell when you return!

  3. I love the alliteration in Decorative Dumpster Day. (And thanks fopr drawing attention to it - I've never heard of it before.)


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