
Sunday 10 May 2009

Away for a Few Days

orange tip butterfly at Gorgie City Farm (click on photo to enlarge it)

We're going over the sea (though nowadays there's a bridge) to Skye, back soon....


  1. Love the new banner. Have a grand time. Do visit the fairy glen! You will post some photos on your return, I hope?

  2. Dear Juliet, two things:
    1) In the link, a RSPA one I think, with all the birds and their voices I found in your blog I couldn't find the woodpecker, why? It's a very dear bird to me with its marvellous rat-ta-ta, which is not its voice really, but it's a unique sound.

    2) I have rewritten the link to Gloom Cupboard, now it works.

    All my best, Davide

  3. The orange tip I saw in my garden, fluttered through without stopping! I enlarged your photo, such a lovely butterfly. I hope you have a great break away in Skye. x

  4. Dear Juliet, thank you for giving precise information on the woodpecker on RSPCB, the point is: I've always heard a woodpecker but I've never seen one.
    Best wishes, Davide

  5. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Have a great time DavidM

  6. Anonymous3:24 am

    Have loads of fun, CGP!!

  7. Why to Skye? It sounds like a quiet place with quie a history.

  8. Hope you'll have a great time. Skye is supposed to be beautiful, but unfortunately I've never been there. Post some photos please! Ciao. Antonella

  9. Have a good trip - look forward to some photos :)

  10. My favourite place on the planet. Be sure to post photos!! And eat some fish soup for me at Loch Bay Seafood!!

  11. You lucky thing! Tell us all about it when you get back!

  12. Hi Juliet,
    I just stopped by to say hello. Lovely photo . . . . I must say I admire that you're a photographer as well as a poet/writer.
    -- warmly!

  13. to Skye? A place we sing and dream about and know nothing of...hope you bring some pictures back!

  14. Can't wait to hear you back with great photos:-)

  15. I love the Western Isles, but I've not been to Skye. I always loved the sound of it, with the Cuillins and all...

    Have fun!

  16. I hope you have a wonderful time!

    When you have a moment, be sure to stop by my blog to pick up the One Lovely Blog Award I've given you!

  17. Enjoy day I shall convince Mr D to go there too. It's either Skye or Eigg for me :)


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!