
Saturday 11 April 2009

Overambitious Weekend Walk

As many readers of this blog will know, we tend to go for walks at the weekend, usually local to Edinburgh, though we sometimes go for weekends away. Today, Crafty Green Boyfriend's brother took us up north to Pitlochry from where we travelled to Schiehallion, one of the famous Munros (highest mountains) of Scotland. I had insisted that with my vertigo there was no way I was going to get up the mountain, with its well known ridge with the steep slopes dropping away at either side. But we had to try a little bit and the views were magnificent. Then we went on to the Black Wood of Rannoch, which I remember from a trip years ago as a particularly wonderful piece of woodland, but we didn't have time to do it justice, though we did get some excellent views of buzzards and we saw some interesting beetles. The moral of the story is, don't be overambitious with weekend walks. We're now planning a holiday in Pitlochry so we can explore the area at our leisure and are moer than ever committed to local weekend walks, they make more sense for so many reasons.


  1. Just one photo? I shall try to contain my disappointment, as it is a lovely shot. Glad the vertigo didn't keep you from enjoying the day. I love weekend adventures!

  2. Oh yes, absolutely gorgeous, of course you must go back!

  3. Lovely shot. My Muskoka is still frozen over!

  4. Wow, what a view! I need to start taking weekend walks like that…

  5. Working interferes with so much! Are there professional walkers there?

  6. Beautiful area indeed. A fantastic view.

  7. Pitlochry - wonderful place. Only been there twice both a long time ago. I recall our youngest learnt to ride his bicycle there. I took a photo to mark the occasion. I knelt down and told him to ride towards so I could a good photo - an obedient child, he aimed straight for me and ran me over!

  8. stop off at the hermitage at dunkeld. or wander about by the cathedral. both rather lovely even in the tourist season.
    or go to blair castle which has some wonderful gardens and trees.

    and no heights at either. well okay maybe at the waterfall at the hermitage but there's a buidlign and a fence and it's not really high


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