
Sunday 26 April 2009

Crafty Green Poet and social networking

white cherry blossoms for Weaver of Grass, who prefers them to yesterday's pink

The eagle eyed reader may have noticed in my sidebar links to an expanding web presence for Crafty Green Poet. I have set up:

A Live Journal, largely so I can post on local Edinburgh Live Journal noticeboards

A Facebook page, mostly so I can keep in touch with what's going on in terms of poetry events in Edinburgh. Other than that, I'm not a huge fan of Facebook to be honest.....

A Myspace page, for creative networking. Myspace is a much more creative space than Facebook and its a great place to discover new music (and gosh, am I discovering some great music!). If you're on both Myspace and Facebook, Myspace is where I'd be happier to 'meet'....

If anyone does want to join me as a friend on any of the above, please do! However, this blog is definitely still my major web presence and thanks to everyone who continues to read and comment!


  1. Your new header photo is glorious! It makes me want to lie back on the grass and listen to bees.

    I'm glad this comment box finally popped up. For some unknown reason, it doesn't like to load on my computer.

  2. lovly cherry blossoms. i have orange blossoms on my porch and wonder if they smell the same.

  3. I was very interested to hear your thoughts on MySpace. I may check it out, though, like you, I love Blogworld.

  4. I like white cherry blossom too - something else Weaver and I have in common.

  5. What a fantastic photo!

  6. The technology is all about us! Good luck with it .. sounds like you are inj up to your ears already!

  7. Pink or white, it's all the most amazing, unbelievably generous stuff. In fact I think apple blossom, which is coming on stream now and is both white and pink at once, may be my favourite...

    Glad the blog's still the main thing!

  8. Our cherry blossoms are emerging here also. We didn't think spring would ever get here!

    We've been getting a lot of pressure to join Facebook and Twitter. We're already on Bunspace and Myspace, but don't have time to keep up with it all!

  9. Freckles and Deb - no there isn't enough time. I'm using each thing carefully and not letting it take over. I should check out Bunspace one day,,,

  10. Welcome to MySpace!


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!