
Friday 27 March 2009

Leaving the Farm

Yesterday was my last day working at Gorgie City Farm, which is really sad. I'll miss the farm, the staff and volunteers and the animals. However my job which was with the natioanal organisation Federation of City Farms was really not for me. It involved managing a partnership made up of three different organisations in five different geographical locations and I myself was line managed from Bristol (that's in the south of England for non UK readers!). This lead to all sorts of communications issues and meant we got totally bogged down in minutiae when we should have been getting on with my work. Plus the best bit of my job (visiting farms and gardens) had been taken off me and given to someone else!

I had a nice supper with colleagues from Newcastle, Bristol and Perth on Wednesday and last night there was a barbeque at the farm. Sam the lamb was there and chewed everyone's shoe laces but was otherwise well behaved. I also got to say goodbye to the bunnies.

Gorgie Farm is just down the road from where I live so in a sense I haven't really left and will continue to blog about it. I also hope to do some writing workshops there in the near future.

I start a new job next Tuesday and will blog about that briefly next week!


  1. Good luck with the new job. It's always worth making a change when you know it is needed!

  2. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Sorry it didn't work out with the old job. I'm glad that in this economic climate you were able to find another. Hope it all goes well!

  3. I think your job would have been very interesting if they hadn't taken away the best part! Hope your new job will be great! All the best. Ciao. A.

  4. you know what they say, 'every time a door closes...'
    best wishes on the new job!

  5. Well cgp, good luck and do give us an update on the farm and it's inhabitants from time to time ...

  6. there's always bound to be a little sadness, but congratulations on the new job - look forward to hearing more!

  7. Oh! Look forward to hearing about the new job!

  8. Changing seasons have their turns, don't they. Sorry it didn't work out, but at least you'll get to visit the good part of it! What a boon. I look forward to hearing about the next adventure. Best to you!

  9. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Good luck, Juliet. I will be interested to hear about you new path, too.


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