
Monday 23 March 2009

Gorgie City Farm - a new bunny

Ebony is a lovely black lop who had been a regular visitor to the bunny boarding facilities at Gorgie City Farm. His owner now is no longer able to look after him so Ebony has come to join the resident bunnies here. It seems to be taking a long time for the integration to take place, even now after a couple of weeks, Ebony is in his own small cage and the other bunnies have to be kept in small cages (in their two groups) as well. Ebony seems to be a bit of a trouble maker, he has attacked all the other bunnies and its not at all sure to me which group he will be able to integrate with. I can't show you a photo either as all the layers of wire in the shed and cage mean that you would hardly be able to see him... I hope he does integrate eventually....

I have a couple of haiku up on Spring Haiku, you can read them here.


  1. Anonymous11:35 am

    I would never have expected a bunny to be a troublemaker. I really hope Ebony can be integrated. Please keep us posted.

  2. Love the haiku.
    I hope Ebony can settle eventually. Time will tell I guess. The new kid on the block syndrome maybe - I guess the defence mechanism for a newbie is to either fight or retreat.

  3. Ebony sounds confused or frightened maybe. What about putting a couple drops of Bach Flower Rescue Remedy in the water? At Waldorf the Kindergarten teacher used to do this the first few weeks of school, seemed to help the little ones settle in.

  4. Selma - rabbits can be very troublesome sometimes and in fact all the Gorgie bunnies have feisty personalities to say the least...

    Kay - thanks! I hope so too.

    D.Moll - I'll suggest that to the rabbit managers then. Thanks

  5. Oh dear, poor Ebony - may be he has a problem we don't know about.
    I am sad today as someone ran over a hare at the top of our lane - there he lay dead on the road when we went out yesterday - so sad.

  6. Enjoyed the haiku and agree with Diane 'a riot of toads' is an inspiring image.

  7. We will keep our fingers and paws crossed that Ebony finds a group to bond with. Maybe he has some abandonment issues and is too angry to be friendly.

  8. Do what D. Moll ... says ... she's a genius with secret remedies!

    Doggone Haiku .. yours sounds so good and looks so easy .. but I just don't get it. But then in junior high school I took up the drum because I could not figure out the scale .. E G B something something ... but still I was terrible!

  9. Poor Ebony - I am certain she will adjust in tie with all the loving care. Loved the haiku!


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