
Saturday 28 March 2009

Earth Hour

Pointless gesture or powerful symbol?

Hundreds of millions of people around the world will turn their lights off for one hour to show global leaders that they want strong action to tackle climate change.

Will you join them? Turn off the lights (and other electricals, yes including the computer!) at 8.30pm. We will be switching off, as will public buildings in Edinburgh.

Find out more at the Earth Hour website.


  1. Thanks for the reminder. I thought it was tomorrow.
    Not sure if it will make a difference but the more people that do it the more likely it will matter!

  2. Yes, we will join them and look at the beautiful sky in Tucson, AZ.

    I posted a blog the other day called Earth Hour in Tucson.

  3. It was hard to think what to do in the shadows! I worked out by candlelight :D

  4. to be honest i wasn't at all aware of earth hour and so it passed me by, we were singing at a choir concert at the time and the lights were on, i have to admit. funny that italy has its "m'illumino di meno" day earlier in the year, with a similar timed "blackout" which we adhered to. i'll have to remember this one for next year too.

  5. All the lights burned on in suburbia from what I could see. But then in suburbia the rest of the world is just made up of potential holiday destinations, you know.

  6. Anonymous10:10 am

    I was pleased to see every light in our street went out. We walked the entire length of it (over 200 houses) and every light was off. I was thrilled. I do believe Earth Hour is the start of something. It gives me hope!

  7. This house did too here in Canada.

  8. Earth Hour is a good idea, but I think that experiments like the one done in Nottingham a few weeks ago are far better. People were asked to switch off all equipment and lights that were not in use in the house, from 9pm until 6am next day. This includes all the chargers for mobile phones, that many just leave plugged in, and the electronic equipment that is put on stand-by. The results were amazing, and I believe it educates people to make a more rational and sensible use of energy, not only for the own electricity bill's sake, but also for the planet.
    You can read more about it here.

  9. Oops...sorry, the link does not seem to work. Here is it in full:

  10. Yowlyy - I agree, that looks like an interesting one.


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