
Tuesday 17 February 2009

Urban Reflections

a photography exhibition at the Stills Gallery, Edinburgh

I was very impressed with this exhibition, which includes photos and films of urban spaces. The most interesting part of the show is the documentary video by Dan Graham, which purportedly discusses his New York art pavilion Two Way Mirror Cylinder inside a Cube, but which is in fact a wide ranging overview of the use of glass, renewable energy and garden features in urban architecture. Santu Mofokeng's photos of Billboards in South Africa demonstrates quite clearly how advertising can come to dominate the urban environment to almost disorienting effect. Sabina Hornig's photos of reflections in the windows of disues shops in Berlin are mesmerising as the interior and the reflection blend together seamlessly.

Definitely an exhibition worth walking across town to see. Urban Reflections is on at the Stills Gallery until 22 March. 11am - 6pm, daily.


  1. When I read a post like this Juliet - I wish I lived in Edinburgh - there always seems to be so much going on there. It is quite easy to get by train from here on the East Coast Main Line and is a lovely journey - it is just making the effort in this cold weather.

  2. I'm with The Weaver of Grass - a post like this always makes me wish I lived somewhere else. No chnance of getting there from here, I'm afraid.

  3. I am now very much looking forward to visiting Edinburgh again this June, so that I can do some viewing in my spare time. There's a conference that takes place in Scotland every year, but it has been in Glasgow for the last 3 years. Now we're back in Edinburgh and I can't wait - and if you can find the time we could have a meet with other fellow bookcrossers, that would be fun. :)

  4. Sounds very interesting. Pity it's too far away for me to visit.


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