
Friday 27 February 2009

Disturbances in the Field

Last night we went to see Disturbances in the Field at the nearby St Brides Centre, which as well as having a lovely theatre is a well used community centre. The show was a dance drama with some poetic dialogue. The characters are lost in a place that looks like a wonderfully eclectic second hand shop though they think it's an art exhibition. They are looking for someone to explain things for them but the only person they find is a poet who plays four types of musical instruments (including three of the four types of recorder!) and who seems to be as lost as they are. Its a lovely meditation on searching for meaning in art and in life and it's on again tonight at the same place then will be in Glasgow on 7 and 8 March.

Disturbances in the Field
St Brides Centre, Edinburgh 7.30pm, 27 February
Old Sheriff Hall, Glasgow 7.30pm 7 & 8 March.
The Elements World Theatre Company


  1. When I read your interesting posts about performances you have been to see in Edinburgh I feel so envious of your nearness to such events. Then I look out of the window and know that living here does have its compensations and at least I can read about things through your blog.

  2. Oh, dear will have to miss, but sounds like an interesting premise.

  3. Sounds fascinating and contemplative. I enjoyed your little description. I think I was there for a moment or two....

  4. Anonymous7:43 pm

    Hiya, thanks for stopping by to see us! I actually didn't know that you could make felt with the fur... I have a whole Ziploc bag full of it, which isn't suitable for spinning because it's basically small wads of fur (and some hay here and there!). Have you done that kind of felting?

  5. That play ... sounds about my typical life, for sure!

  6. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Live theater is a wonderful thing; it's a big 'vitality-add' wherever it happens, including on the street.

    We bought tickets to two local productions here in Portland, Oregon at a silent auction fundraiser for clean energy. I'm looking forward to attending.

    Thanks for reminding us, Juliet, of how much joy we can all find through nature and the arts. Both of those let us tread lightly on the planet, compared to fossil-fuel-based activities.


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