
Saturday 10 January 2009

Winter trees

strange winter trees.....and frosty fungus on fallen trunks.....

We walked through Cammo Country Park yesterday. Underfoot was a strange mix of patches of frost and black ice interspersed with thick mud. The trees were full of birds that despite the bare branches were often difficult to see, but always we could hear the twitterings. At one point I stopped still and twittered back and yes the birds (blue tits in this case) came closer! We saw a lot of robins, or maybe it was one robin following us and got a good view of two treecreepers....

these photos are all by my partner.....

We'll be back in Cammo in February, to see the snowdrops.....


  1. I love the last picture. Stands of trees always call to me.

  2. Three pictures there to stir the imagination - and the memory.

  3. love the photos - espeially the last one.
    the park must look great covered in white...

  4. I love winter trees. Their dark skeletons leaning against a grey winter sky is so beautiful to me.

  5. Great post! I love the bark and fungus photos and your description of twittering the birds. Fun stuff!

  6. That last one was a dandy!

  7. Hi Crafty!
    It's been a while... I'm not sure why... I have you saved as a favorite, and clicking on it just now I remember why!
    I hope you have a wonderful 2009!

  8. The mushrooms a sign of rot and decay in the soil from the dead tree roots, a healthy echo system. Great pics.

  9. Anonymous4:39 am

    this picture of the trees in the distance and the big sky is WONDERFUL! Love how you share your outdoors with us ('specially us office types who also like to go home and curl up on the couch ... and read)!!!

  10. Anonymous5:58 pm

    reading your post is like walking with you :-)
    nice post and photos :-)

  11. For the third photo:
    We gather at dusk
    To offer up our blessings
    Small circle of friends


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