
Sunday 25 January 2009

The King in His Castle

a king would he be?

The man who thinks he can create an independent nation by selling off our land to wealthy foreigners?

The castle is full of rusting armour and antiquated firearms, not enough to defend ourselves against his betrayals.

In the chapel, the castle guardian snores.

King in His Castle for Pictures, Poetry and Prose Alphabet Prompt

(explanatory note: The Scottish Government is allowing Donald Trump to build a golf course complex on a sensitive area of natural beauty and is currently trying to sell off the national forests too)


  1. Very clever.
    I have read about the proposed Golf complex. Is nothing sacred?

  2. the roots
    of money
    run deep
    for many

  3. Anonymous4:58 pm

    I read of this Trump "development" at least a year ago. I thought the Scotsman was sticking to his guns, (American expression?) that is, that he would NOT sell.
    Oh please don't please don't.

    Keep us current on that. Honestly, I go to work and forget about these things going on when indeed it should be quite the opposite.

    About to clean out my home office and make some changes, as a starter.

  4. Weaver - I think nothing is sacred these days...

    Jack - very true...

    Oh - the development has gone to public enquiry and the Scottish Government is minded that it will go ahead. Which isn't to say it definitely will, but probably...

  5. About Botanic Gardens, I didn't visit the Glasgow ones, but I can't forget those in Edimburgh.
    Dear Juliet I have posted a poem in my blog and in my latest post I have contiuned what in the past you considered as a possible debate....

  6. This is just one golf course but it is our whole nation that has been bought and sold,
    Good post!

  7. Crafty, I'm sorry to hear about Trump buying this property for a golf course. I hate so much that rich people think they can buy off others with their money and that they have no compassion for what this property means to the Scottish people. But, I guess money will always talk though. It's really a shame.

    On a lighter note, I hope all is well with you. Have a nice night.

  8. Anonymous10:26 pm

    We can hope that the recession comes to the rescue and prevents Aberdeenshire Trumptown being built, at least for the next few years. I believe the golf course etc. is meant to be funded by the sale of a load of overpriced houses which will be built, but in the current climate, nobody is going to want or afford them.

    I’m also hoping that the recession will come to the rescue in the West End of Edinburgh and prevent the proposed hideous sixteen-storey tower block being built by Haymarket station.

  9. Golebnik - yes i do have hope that the recession may at least save us from some things...

    Art and poetry - oh you're very right, i just mentioned a couple of specifics to be concrete...

    Michelle - thanks

  10. Gosh how awful. You see it everywhere in the world. They call it progress...I call it sickening and uncaring.

  11. Oh no, Hope it won't go ahead. Is there anything left that money can't buy? Like jakc' little poem...Ciao. Antonella

  12. That's called "developing."

    what are we developing

    This may not endear me to my Scottish friends, but I take Mark Twain's view of golf: "A good walk spoiled." That is not the issue here, though, and I share your concern.

  13. The plague of greed is limitless and long after the ill ones have passed on, the ruins will remain. Then more ill ones will take their place, the greed will continue, and more will be lost.

  14. The good news here might be that the Trump may have to declare bankruptcy before he can contaminate any more land. I hate to cross my fingers, but... I'm not sure the USA has anything left to sell.

  15. Anonymous5:22 am

    Very powerful words. This breaks my heart, because I see it happening all the time. When will governments wake up? Never, I guess. Hollow idiots like Trump don't care about the land. It's just another playground for him to destroy. He makes me sick. Are there any petitions? I'd be glad to pass around any links you may have. Thank you for posting this very important topic.

  16. Anonymous8:07 am

    Your poem is so true about political leaders. I might include that in my essay.

  17. This is tough to hear. I love Scotland for a lot of reasons, but particularly for its spectacular natural beauty.


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