
Wednesday 21 January 2009

Green lemonade

I was delighted to be recently awarded the Lemonade Award from Rabbit's Guy. He got it from Cara at Doublecat Batik, where I learnt it is an award for cheerful blogging (though elsewhere I read it's for blogging with great attitude)! So that's put a smile on my face. I'm supposed to pass it on, but in case I don't manage to get round to thinking of who to pass it on to, why not all pour yourself a glass of lemonade?


  1. Congratulations on this novel award!

  2. Glad you like it .. we always enjoy seeing what you have pulled together seemingly out of almost nothing at all!

    And of course the lessons on Scotland, where we've never been and probably will never get to.

  3. congrats! you certainly deserve it.

  4. Lemonade? Yes please - shall put a drop of Black Sheep Ale in it and have a shandy!

  5. oh Weaver I do like a glass of Black Sheep Ale!


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