
Wednesday 14 January 2009

Gorgie City Farm - Winter Lambs

Two lambs were born at the farm on Monday. No photos yet but I have written a haiku, that you can read over on Winter Haiku, here.


  1. Anonymous3:23 pm

    Welcome to the world, little lambs :)

  2. Lovely haiku. The only lambs born round here as early as this are born inside so we really don't know about it until we see them gambolling in the field. Our Swaledales don't lamb until April at the earliest.

  3. Hello,Lambs.Stay warm. Looking forward to photos :~)

  4. A reminder that spring is on the way

  5. So wonderful! A sign of peace, of the nature continuing its course. Thanks for your comment on my modest blog, Juliet. All the best. Ciao. A.

  6. My aunt usually sends me photos every year of their new lambs. They are always so sweet.

    Your haiku was lovely.

  7. That's so sweet. What a lovely reminder of the cycle of seasons and with it, life. *sighs* I wish I had lambs, I will have to live vicariously through you..... post pictures :D


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