
Monday 5 January 2009

Elephants Never Forget!

This old notebook that i use for random notes and jottings needed brightening up a bit so I've added a drawing of a Sumatran elephant, made from waste paper.


  1. Oh they are great and mysterious animals with their own particular cult of the dead. I am sure you know about them who always try to come back and walk around their relatives' bones...
    Probably they are closer to us than the apes.

  2. Anonymous7:36 pm

    This is absolutely wonderful!

  3. Fantastic, I like the way his nostrils look at you, daring you to remember what you forgot.

  4. Anonymous10:44 pm

    This is a wonderful elephant! How clever of you to tie in the theme of elephants not-forgetting and your notebook for remembering things.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous! Great idea. I love elephants and that looks so cheeky! All the best. Ciao. Antonella

  6. I do so love elephants. I would love to have one that followed me around.

  7. Anonymous2:14 am

    That's lovely! Now you will never forget anything, so long as you write it down in the notebook :D

  8. You would make a great teenager!

  9. It's great to recycle. nice notebook...

  10. Anonymous9:59 am

    What a FAB notebook. I love it. Reminds me of that song Nelly the Elephant who packed her trunk and said goodbye to the circus.

  11. I just could not see that as an elephant, could only trad it as a bear. Cover up the lower frunk and focus on the ear; I think you'll see what I mean. Two great sites you've introduced us to. Thanks and congrats.

  12. i love the new look of your notebook. elephants are such magnificent creatures...

  13. It's beautiful!
    I love elephants, I really do. I particularly remember one documentary about a small elephant...I'm sure it's a famous one but I can't remember the correct name. Anyway, it stayed with me.

  14. i luv this cover. the image is so clean and fresh. great job!

  15. What a lovely elephant! I've got to get work on mine or it will be too late! :)


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