
Wednesday 7 January 2009

Dexter the Gorgie Farm cat

This is the elusive Dexter, the farm cat of Gorgie City Farm. He originally belonged to a family who lived next door to the farm, but he liked to visit (well who doesn't!). When the family moved he ran away from the new house to the farm. After he'd done this a couple of times the family accepted the inevitable and he has lived on the farm ever since, though he can be hard to find. He can sometimes be very aloof but today was quite friendly and most curious about Crafty Green Boyfriend's camera. No I wasn't pulling Dexter's tail.....

Btw - I've posted all the books for the Giveaway now, most of those sent within Europe have already arrived, for those of you further away it will take longer, but they are on their way.....


  1. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Dexter is cute. He reminds me of my neighbour's cat, Socksie. Awwww.

  2. My parents had a cat that when they gave to someone ten miles away, she would find her way back. So they just kept her.

    Thank you for visiting my humble scribbles and leaving your comment.

    I used to operate and inner city farm, I loved it with all of it's rewards.


  3. Dexter is beautiful - I love his white socks!! I'm a cat person - I currently have 6 cats!

  4. My favourite sort of cat - black with white whiskers and feet. As with all cats he will do exactly what he wants to do, come what may.

  5. he looks like he owns the place :)

  6. Crafty Green Boyfriend, hehehe... love it!

  7. Selma - Socksie is a cute name for a cat!

    George - I think that kind of thing happens quite often with cats! I love city farms too, its nice to have an office in one, though I don't work for the farm...

    Bobbi - six cats! Wow! Dexter is beautiful, also he's a big cat...

    Weaver - oh yes, Dexter has a mind of his own...

    Polona - I think he does own the place!

    Rachel :)

  8. he's cute. Thats a cute story. Animals are quite interesting :)

  9. What a lovely cat! Thanks for telling me about the Gorgie Farm. It looks very interesting. Suitable for a visit next time we come to Edinburgh. What a pity that your head has been "chopped" off in the picture...All the best. Ciao. Antonella

  10. There was an ant on my screen just now and before thinking I thought "Oh, CGP has put ants on her blog the same way other people put snowflakes". But I see it is a real ant. Lucky Dexter!!!!!! A cat who knows what he wants and gets it.

  11. Oh, I love tuxedos. What a cutie!

  12. Oh Dex! You have Racer's nose and back Toseys!!!!

    Oh boy .. I can hardly wait to see how DMoll makes ants crawl up and down her blof screen now!!!

  13. Dexter is a most handsome boy. I do love his white feet.

  14. This is a very touching story about how animals cherish their old home and nothing could stop them from being where they want. Reminds me very much of the movie Homeward Bound. Or even Milo & Otis.

  15. Anonymous12:43 pm

    He always seems to be winding the other animals up whenever I see him, in a 'I can go wherever I like' kind of way. He's a great cat.

  16. Anonymous10:17 am

    Dexter sure knows what he wants and makes sure he gets it! Love his white paws :D

  17. I know why he's hard to find, he's moonlighting as my cat Joe. They look almost exactly the same.

  18. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Dex looks pretty cool. We would probably be friends.


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