
Friday 16 January 2009

Balloons, Bunnies and Rainbows

Rabbit's Guy suggested that my recent haiku about the balloon and the rainbow was really about Hugo, Yowlyy's beautiful bunny who recently died. So here is my picture of Hugo ballooning off to the Rainbow Bridge, where Anya and an unknown black bunny are waiting for him.
It's good to see that Miss Eve, Hugo's rabbit companion is bonding with a new companion, Bing.
The picture above is drawn on reused card and the balloon is made from reused foil from a box of tea.


  1. Delightful! I'd also like to see your haiku embedded into the picture ...

  2. Just what I needed...and not what I expected...

  3. Anonymous1:56 pm

    That's just so beautiful, CGP. I'm picturing all the bunnies binkying joyfully at the Bridge.. none of them will ever be lonely, sad or sick again :)

  4. It looks like Anya is reflected in the foil of the balloon.

  5. Diana - it does doesn't it, I only just noticed that!

    furrybutts, I love to imagine them all binkying over there too...

    Coastguard - yes I had thought of that....

    Rachel - thanks!

  6. Awwww, what a sweet and touching picture.

  7. WOW! It's better than my mind's image from your poetry! That is just great...

  8. Anonymous5:39 am

    I saw RG's post about that and read the poem and totally agreed! I love that you have now done a picture to add to that and make a tribute to Hugo. You are a kind, tender hearted person! Thank you as well for your kind words at O'Reilly's passing last week.

  9. Anonymous4:20 pm

    I like this! Hugo is really cute.....:-)

  10. This is so sweet and lovely! I so hope that there could be a rainbow for every departed bunny! Ciao. A.

  11. Dear Juliet,
    Many thanks for this and for the original, which arrived here last Saturday - it is so beautiful and Hugo looks so like him! I am going to frame it and hang it in my office, near to my bunny rememberance window in my day, I shall take a picture of the window and blog about it.


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