
Tuesday 16 December 2008

Birds, Snow and Music

We travelled back from my parents yesterday, lovely train journey through the English Lake District and the southern part of Scotland. Lots of snow and ice on the high ground. It was of course nice to see my parents again and also their garden, which was full of birds.

at the piano
I struggle to bring to life
the notes on the stave -
outside, long tailed tits flutter
in the bare branches.


  1. Anonymous1:18 pm

    Yes, they are rather crotchet shaped little birds! Lovely image.

  2. Lovely imageries, CGP..

    liked the poem much,


  3. Anonymous2:41 pm

    Sounds like a dream . . . that train ride. Love the poem.

  4. What a lovely tanka Juliet! Such delightful imagery.

  5. That is a true Haiku moment, I think.

  6. Sounds a lovely journey c.g.p. Long tailed tits are my very favourite bird - they have just started coming to my bird table.
    Glad you enjoyed your jaunt.

  7. Anonymous8:26 pm

    I’ve always loved that part of the West Coast line through the Clyde Valley and Lowther Hills, ever since I started visiting Scotland from England in the 1990s. It’s a beautiful region of rivers and forested hills which, like the entire Borders region, is often overlooked. I must get out there walking sometime, rather than just seeing it from the train.

    And ever since you drew my attention to the long-tailed tits around the Meadows, I keep noticing them! Still not a hint of a waxwing, sadly, not even a redwing …

  8. I love seeing your amazing pictures! I wish we had more trains in this was one of my fav things about traveling overseas!

  9. Anonymous12:10 am

    You really are so talented. Love the header photo!

  10. Sweet thought of the birds natural music and your struggle to make the piano sing. Nature is so cruel in her beauty.

    Found you on 'a hanful of stones' loved your thought about the lift being so old it feels like a time machine, and interesting and paradoxical thought. Intriguing and wise.

  11. Anonymous3:49 am

    Umm.. the bunnies want to know why there were just birds in the garden, and no rabbits?! :p

  12. Anonymous5:47 am

    beautiful music of two kinds

  13. such a wonderful part of the world to travel through.

  14. Your words do create a strong visual image. It seems like a magical moment....


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