
Saturday 6 December 2008

Christmas New Year Giveaways

I've got several books to giveaway here, just leave a note in the comments section if you'd like any of them (please state which) and I'll draw names out of a hat before Christmas and get them sent out in the New Year. Please leave your email address in the comments section to make sure I can contact you if you're successful:

1. 52 Ways of Looking at a Poem by Ruth Padel - a guide to close reading poetry with 52 poems. You can read my review of it on Read Write Poem here.

2. Unleash the Poem Within by Wendy Nyemaster a guide to poetic form for women who are just starting to write poetry or who are unsure about when to use particular poetic forms - you can read my review of it on Read Write Poem here. (When drawing names out of the hat for this one, preference will be given to women)

3. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (signed copy). An engaging book about writing and creativity.

4. Issue 65 of the Rialto magazine, one of the UK's best poetry magazines.

5. Issue 48 of Tears in the Fence, another excellent UK poetry magazine, this issue contains an interesting article about poetic collaboration.

6. Agamemnon's Daughter by Ismail Kadare, read him before he wins the Nobel Prize, because in my humble opinion, one day he will.

7. Yellow Torchlight and the Blues by Emma Lee - a good collection of accessible and moving poetry. You can read my review on NHI Reviews here.

8. The Mirror of Ink by Jorge Luis Borges - a pocket sized book of wonderment

All the books (but not the poetry journals) are registered with Bookcrossing, the international booksharing community. If you win a book you are under no obligation to take part in Bookcrossing. All books were either bought second hand or are review copies.

I no longer have any copies of my old poetry pamphlet Bougainvillea Dancing left to give away, but if you want to buy a copy I think there are a couple left for sale at Wordpower Books.

Susan Tuttle, from Ilka's Attic is also running a book Giveaway. She's offering a copy of her book Mixed Media Demonstrations and Explorations, which sounds as though it is a rtuly inspiring book for anyone interested in mixed media crafts. So if you want a chance to win that book, please go over to Susan's blog.


  1. Anonymous12:06 pm

    thanks for the possibility to win a book here!
    6. Agamemnon's Daughter by Ismail Kadare, read him before he wins the Nobel Prize, because in my humble opinion, one day he will.
    guess i would like to enter for this one, never know if you're right and a Nobel Prize comes one day...
    Oh and e-mail would be:

  2. thanks for the chance to win! -- 7 and 8 -- especially 8!

    thanks for posting about my book and contest!


  3. Anonymous5:18 pm

    I'm curious about #1: 52 ways of looking at a poem
    Thank you for the chance to win!
    I'm blackteiwaz over at BC

  4. Anonymous6:06 pm

    I'm mazzlestar at BCing, my email is - I'd love to enter for 6 or 8 please!

  5. Hi Juliet, I'd be interested in Borges's book. If I win I can pay you the postage. Also, I'm registered with Bookcrossing too. Like you blog, just discoverd it through your comment on Turin DP.

  6. Thanks for the possibility of a book win and for the link to Susan Tuttle's fascinating blog.
    #2 would be my choice if you choose me - or #4 or #5! Thanks!
    tumblewords at yahoo dot com

  7. Anonymous11:46 pm

    This is a great give away.If I am chossen I'm interested in #2 Unleash the poem within by wendy nyemaster or #3 Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott My e-mail address is Thanks so much for the chance!

  8. I can thoroughly recommend the first two. For a beginner they are almost indispensible.

  9. I am the world's biggest Lamott fan, so that one please... or the Borges, who I've never read but have had on my list for a while... fingers crossed! Thank you.

  10. Anonymous11:57 pm

    how lovely! 1, 2 or 8 please :)

  11. 3, 8 or 5 please :)

    how fun!

  12. What a great idea! I'll have any of them except 'Unleash the poet' which I've got already!

    I was going to ask you actually, when you said about not including that on any list of poet's manuals, would you give suggestions for books you've found helpful both in reading and writing poetry? I'd much appreciate that, as not having access to workshops etc, such things are especially important.

    My e-mail is lucy(dot)kempton(at)wanadoo(dot)fr


  13. I'd love Anne Lammott's :)

  14. What a neat blog. No entry for the books as my TBR's are mountains.

    Read and release!

  15. The Mirror of Ink, por favor!

    they told me something
    the afternoon and the mountain
    but i already lost it

    --Jorge Luis Borges (my questionable translation)

  16. I just found your blog tonight - a goodie! I also want to tell you that on each and every one of your internal page links (that is, when I am clicking to go to a new post) my Kaspersky Anti-virus alerts me that a malicious object is trying to be downloaded. The object in question is:

    I have no idea what this is, but as it has only occurred on your site I thought to let you know.

    Now, if a newbie reader, and bearer of such tidings can enter your generous giveaway, she would favour Number 2.


    I love Vicki Weaver's writing by the way, and searching her name with Google brought me to your blog. I was fortunate enough to hear her read from her (then) new book: The Handless Maiden, on a ferry-boat called 'The Pop-Eye' during the Adelaide Writer's Festival - a wonderful evening of poetry and wine on the Torrens River!)

  17. Hi - a very generous deed! My interest would be in #1, 52 Ways of looking at a Poem.

    John Middleton

  18. 1, 2, 4 or 8 here...
    And could I add this to my post on Christmas gifts and good deeds? (the gesture is more than worth mentioning)
    e-mail is

  19. Mel - thanks for letting me know about that problem, I've not come across it when accessing this blog from any computer, I'll look into it though

  20. What a good idea. I think I should do something similar. I have a library for my learners.

    Please put my name in the draw for 52 Ways to Look at a Poem? (Would you believe a colleague recommended it to me today - what a coincidence!)

  21. I would like to participate too. I'm interested in Agamemnon's daughter. My bookcrossing nick is Dellaporta.

  22. There's nothing I "love" more than free things, but I won't make you mail a book all the way to New York :) Great idea though! And, very generous of you.

  23. Anonymous9:34 am

    Who is to give and to whom..Thyself.Hello,Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all of you.May this New Year bring lot's of Joy and tremendous Happiness to all..

    Cheers….Keep smiling:)
    Gifts to Chennai|Gifts to Bangalore|Gifts to India


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!