
Sunday 30 November 2008

Sugar Radif up at the Ghazal Page

You can see this sweet collection of ghazals about sugar here. The link to my ghazal comes under the Sugar Cubes heading in the sidebar.

As some people have asked, I have now written a post with links to my poetry published online. You can read it here. I'll update it as necessary and will link to it in the sidebar.


  1. Delighted you put up the links Juliet! - I very much enjoy your poetry.

  2. Thanks for those. Very usueful. I shall explore them later at my leisure.

  3. Did you get the feeling that goes with this sort of process, of realising exactly how much you've done about halfway through?

  4. Anonymous11:13 am

    Hi Juliet. I have a bit of a soft spot for Ghazals, and your sugar Ghazal is beautifully written in my humble opinion.


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