
Sunday 9 November 2008

First Christmas Cards 2008

These cards are made from scrap card and paper, with a little help from a second hand card making kit.

for Inspire Me Thursday


  1. Like the cards. This is the first year I haven't made my own - I am using a photo taken on the farm and reproduced by - very good.
    I love your leafy banner and would like it projecting ontomy sitting room wall - it is so restful on the eye.

  2. Oh, you are good getting going early on this....they look nice , too.

  3. Fun! I haven't done my "open topic" yet and have been trying to decide if it was too early to start posting the holiday stuff. :)

  4. Homemade cards! Aaaaagh! My wife cross-stitches our cards and I participate by sticking them in cards......I've just finished sticking my 48th!

  5. Anonymous8:02 pm

    i especially like the second. :) i'm quite fond of blue and silver. :)

  6. I am up to my eyes in Christmas here as well! Couldn't be happier. Everyone's getting handmade this year!

  7. Anonymous2:50 am

    Lovely cards!! It's especially nice to receive handmade cards, knowing all the time and effort that went into making them :)

  8. Ohhh Noooo .... I still have time to send out Halloween cards? Yes???

    Bunnies do not go where the cats are!! When the bunns go outside it is on a 2nd floor huge deck with no access from below so the cats don't see them either .. although I'm sure everybody knows each other is there.

  9. they're lovely! love the colors, especially the blue and silver/white one.

  10. cool! sounds and looks like you're having fun! and you're getting ready for christmas as welll, me too! hooray!

  11. so simply done, so effective too.

  12. Anonymous1:14 pm

    kudos to you for getting into the holiday spirit early -- these are so festive!

  13. Very cool, you are ON it!
    I used to hand paint every dang Christmas card (no way, NO MORE)!! But, I DO want to do something handmade or handmade-ish! Merry Merry!

  14. I'd far rather receive one of your starry handmade cards than a mass produced snowy Father Christmas - particularly as it's usually 35 degrees celsius in South Africa on Christmas Day.


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