
Thursday 30 October 2008

Kreativ Blogger Award

I'm very honoured that Moonroot nominated me for this award! Many thanks indeed! I now need to nominate 6 bloggers and name six things I like. There are actually so many creative blogs out there its very difficult to choose and i could give this award to anyone on any of my links lists. However, my nominations are for these four blogs:

Weaver of Grass for her photos and writings

Bond Bloke for his various creative blogs, but especially Edinburgh Day by Day, full of wonderful photos of the city I live in and A Brush with Art, full of musings about art (and who has co-incidentally given me the Blogging Friends Forever Award, which I'm delighted by!)
Gordon Mason of Catapult to Mars, with its poetry in English, Scots and Spanish and always a carefully chosen image to complement the words.

Arthur Durkee of Dragoncave, a blog of beautiful poetry, prose and photos. He also has a poem up on Bolts of Silk today, which you can read here.

Six (seasonal) things I like:
autumn leaves
geese skeining across the sky
snow on distant hills
the five different shades of rowan berries
the magical glow of the low sunlight
the sparkle of frost


  1. Many thanks y muchas gracias for the award. I'll put it on my Catapult and see where it goes from there!

  2. Congrats on the nomination - much deserved!

  3. Congrats, a well deserved award !!! I like your changing banner. I want to drive right in.

  4. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Congratulations!! It's a very pretty award, and very well deserved too!!

  5. I must add my voice to the choir. Congratulations!

  6. Anonymous6:25 am

    you definitely deserve it - you have a truly creative, dare i say inspirationally creative, blog ;-)

    and i love autumn leaves too but don't get them here in southern california!

  7. Congrats! Well deserved!

  8. ah.. i just got this award too--from a wonderful blogger Omami ...

    thanks for bringing the image of frost to mind--it is so likely a door into Christmastime memories for me...


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