
Monday 15 September 2008

Beautiful Dresden

Dresden is a beautiful city, full of wonderful buildings, many of which have been carefully renovated after having being destroyed in the Second World War. The photo above shows the Frauenkirche in the centre of the city. The Neustadt area, where we stayed for our conference, is full of lovely little shops and cafes and lots of artists live there. This is part of the wonderful artist's courtyard in Neustadt.
Dresden also feels very green, there are lots of trees along the streets and the River Elbe that flows through the city has wide green banks with cycle paths running along them. This is not just picturesque but also restricts the damage from flooding when the river overflows.

There are several city farms in Dresden, but more about those (and about the conference of European City Farms) in the next few days.


  1. Anonymous2:21 pm

    Very cool to hear about Dresden and see the photos. I love artists' courtyards too . . . . hope the conference is inspiring to you.

  2. Pretty buildings and gorgeous sky.

  3. Such fabulous architecture in these old buildings! Love that courtyard too. Can't wait to see and hear more about your trip.

  4. Love the artist's courtyard - reminds me a bit of Hundertwasser's architecture. Dresden does indeed look very beautiful.

  5. Weaver of Grass - it reminded me of Hundertwasser's architecture too!

    Alison - yes the conference was inspiring!

    d.moll - the sky was like that most of the weekend, which was a delight given how little of the blue we've seen here all summer!

    Janice - I'll write more soon!

  6. Nice place! Will put them on my travel to-do list!

  7. What a fascinating building. Wish I could make it big to get a closer look.


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