
Wednesday 18 October 2017

Autumn Red (a poem)

the early turning leaves of maple and cherry

slanting light glances
on rosehips
and five shades of rowan berries

the last poppy splashed
against ochre grass

the minor key
of robin's autumn song

first posted September 2008


  1. wonderful images and the minor key of a robin is well penned

  2. You have a gift for capturing just the right details to make you natural scene come to life.

    These lines are perfect examples, for they brought a picture to my mind immediately.

    "the minor key of robin's autumn song" is so poignant and perfect...I'll be listening for it all day now :)

  3. Great use of color in so many shades. I see autumn there.

  4. Anonymous3:10 pm

    Your nature poetry is always filled with detailing. I love to read those.

    Finer details

  5. Nice autumn poem!

  6. Really good point about not overburdening with detail - one great one will stay with a reader far longer than many average ones.

    This line is stunning - 'five shades of rowan berries' - it sounds like a title in itself!

  7. Your poem is lovely, and you make a very good point about over-detail! Yet, I can "see" and "feel" those rose-hips.

  8. The part I've always had trouble with, and what you do so well here, is finding the details that capture the feel of a thing best.

  9. what a beautiful fall poem!

  10. Anonymous9:17 pm

    So beautiful - minor key! You've inspired a blog entry from me!

  11. Very nice poem and well made point about too many details bogging down a piece. Finding the right balance is key.

    thanks for dropping by my blog, today too!

  12. Anonymous11:26 pm

    i like that you consider the readers space. that other poetry is also inspiration for my own words, thoughts, imaginations.

    we dont have the colors or the rowan berries here and the birds and ducks are long gone for us but what of Autumn exists ;up here certainly doesn't lack in its spirit.
    thank you for helping to consider what autumn means and what of it can be seen in the people around me too, not only the plants.

  13. Beautiful to the senses Juliet.
    Love that "the last poppy splashed
    against ochre grass.."

  14. Anonymous5:24 am

    lovely mental picture here. :)

  15. I totally agree with you about over-describing a scene. I tend to be very minimalist myself.

  16. wow, great images wonderfully composed.

  17. Hello, pretty Autumn poem! Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  18. That "minor key", grand!

  19. Lovely words, which I enjoyed reading.
    Thank you

    All the best Jan


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