
Sunday 20 July 2008

Malawian haiku


under the mango trees -

mud toilet huts

turn left

for the church and hospital -

straight on for Mozambique

in the shade

of a mango tree -

women work

(These photos are photos of photos and the strange shine on the first two is reflected light on the original photo, no spooky UFOs in Malawi!)

You can read some of my other poems about Malawi by following the links below:

Evening in Malawi (a sestina)


After Sunset Lake Malawi with an accompanying painting here.

Malindi Beach

Foreign Lands for Totally Optional Prompts


  1. Fascinating photos; you really want to look deeply in them to find the source of the shine

  2. Love the poems Juliet - especially 'Evening in Malawi' and 'Malindi Beach'was amazing in its imagery! Loved the Japanese style painting - I didn't know you were an artist too
    - do we get to see more? :)

  3. Ascender - lol. they're photos of photos and the shine is the shine of light on the originals///

    Janice - thanks, there are some earlier paintings on the blog, you can browse or i might post them again...

  4. thank you for another glimpse into an exotic land...

    btw, and i hope youdon't mind, 'picturesque' in the first haiku doesn't work too well for me... oh, i believe that's how those huts appeared but... it's telling rather than showing... and the haiku has great potential otherwise

  5. polona - you're right - picturesque isn't the best word, I know,

  6. Anonymous12:32 pm

    The second is my favorite. How creative to use directions as a poem.

  7. i love all the haikus, but the third one is my favorite! its such a familiar sight from my childhood.

  8. A different culture, but not too dissimilar (scenery and affluence) to parts my adopted locality.

  9. Loved the way you handled these. Intriguing pics.

  10. Your pics are so interesting! I too took pics of pics and had to contend with the same shine! Finally, I deliberately created a blurred effect for atmosphere!

    Great write!

  11. Yeah, I like these pc on pc on pc if you know what I mean?

  12. Anonymous1:05 am

    I have become such a fan of haikus. And I really like your three, however, I agree that the third one is my favourite.

    I wrote a silly limerick about an almost romantic honeymoon cruise


  13. Your words are worth a thousand pictures! :) Great post.


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