
Tuesday 15 July 2008

Gorgie City Farm - Daisy

There are five rabbits at Gorgie City Farm and Daisy is the star! She had her photo in the local newspaper a couple of weeks before I applied for my current job and that photo was my good luck charm for the interview (it obviously worked!). My first day in post, Daisy was out with the mobile pet service, visiting day centres and nursery school (as the rabbits do every Monday). The second day I was in post I wanted to photo the rabbits but couldn't because Daisy was already in the middle of a photo shoot. The third day I managed to get these photos. Daisy is a beautiful grey Netherland dwarf and sometimes reluctant to look at the camera (her fame has made her shy!), her daughter Sugar is also in the left hand corner of the second photo (Sugar will feature in a future post). I hope to get some closer shots in the near future, but currently I'm out and about a lot and also don't take my camera to work every day!


  1. Anonymous6:31 pm

    Ahhh. When I was a child I was so smitten with my neighbor's rabbits that I spent time with them, caring for them and petting them, whether the neighbors were home or not. Now as an adult, the main animals in my life are my friend Colleen's four sled-dogs --- who lounge in a sunny room with us one afternoon a week as we write poetry together. Come to think of it, it's been my encounters with the Crafty Green Poet that have gotten me back to writing some poetry as well as blog-posts. You're a good influence, Juliet!
    Alison at Diamond-Cut Life

  2. Anonymous6:58 pm

    Always nice to meet a media star Daisy.

  3. Anonymous7:53 pm

    The rabbits are my favourites at the farm, one day we will have our own!

  4. Those are some hard working rabbits. I can certainly understand that Daisy may have had enough photos for now, thank you very much! Looking forward to more rabbit photos and news.

  5. She's definitely a beautiful color and looks so soft and furry.

  6. Anonymous4:00 am

    I know its next to impossible to get close to such a superstar, but do you think you could possibly get a shot of Daisy's face for me the next time, pls pls pls? I LOVE NDs!! I wanna see her little ears and her big eyes and her round cheeks :D

  7. Alison - thanks for your comment, I'm flattered by what you say about my influence! It sounds nice to write poetry with sled dogs too...

    Brian - Daisy likes to have new fans too!

    Katherine - you know the farm advertises bunnies free to a good home sometimes?

    D.Moll - the Farm rabbits are very hardworking and Daisy is so nice that she's extra popular!

    Janice - she is very fluffy!

    Furrybutts - I'm going to try my very best to get better photos of her, I'm hoping to get my photo taken with her one day...


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