
Sunday 6 July 2008

Altered Book

I mentioned a while ago that I had found the perfect book to alter (because there are missing pages and pages repeated) and I've now at last started working on it. This is the first page I've altered. The text is about monitoring moths at sand dunes, so I illustrated it appropriately using a magazine photo of sand dunes and drawing a moth, randomly chosen from my book of moths and butterflies. I've not decided yet what to do with the facing page, though I'll probably add more moths!


  1. interesting--never thought of anything like this

  2. very nice; i like that the butterfly is translucent. there is such an art to altering books; to alter a whole book is such a major investment of time and energy

  3. I have never heard of this before- altered books. I looked at your other posts on them, and they are fantastic! I am a journal addict, and this is so inspiring. Thank you :0)

  4. What fun, I love altered books. Looking forward to seeing your progressive work!

  5. Woo Hoo! Heard a little kid tell a joke today about a chicken kept going to the library and saying "Bok" and the librarian gave the chicken a book. The next day the chicken said "Bok, Bok" so the librarian gave the chicken two books. After a few days of this the librarian decided to follow the chicken to see why the chicken needed so many books.

    The chicken went into the woods and put the books by a frog and the frog said "redit" .... :<)

    Well you get it ... books, frogs ...

  6. i was quite surprised how much work went into an altered book; looks so simple = not! I have wondered about just picking up a book and using it as a journal for everyday. not quite sure how that would work; do a page a day about what happened in your day. One experiment I used was to put crayon on pages and place in the oven to absorb. I do *not* suggest this approach as the binding melts!!


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