
Saturday 12 April 2008

Plastics and wildlife

I saw something really cute today - a crow (which incidentally had albino splotches on its wings) was playing with an empty plastic bottle, rolling it from side to side then jumping on top of it. Once it saw me it strutted away, almost as though it was embarressed to be seen playing. Crows are very intelligent and resourceful birds but this sighting was a first for me.

Of course though, plastic litter poses a threat to animals. Birds and other animals can ingest small pieces of plastic which can poison them or they can get trapped in torn plastic or bottles. So all plastic waste needs to be disposed of carefully and where possible alternatives should be found for plastics.


  1. A lot about plastic bottles on network news this past week. Similar to the old six pack plastic for colas and beer, which caused animals to get tangled. Progress can sure screw up the natural order.

  2. That's why I enjoy watching animals - sometimes they're so playful and innocent. They amuse me :)

  3. This truly is so important. We continue to add to our recycling efforts. Only problem, our local recycle facilities are not as expansive as they should be. Getting there, but too slow in my opinion. This is a crisis.

  4. yes, plastic is a great threat to wildlife
    but crows are intelligent creatures and i have no doubt this one knew what it was doing.

    the local population of hooded crows has learned to ravage wastebins to find food leftovers

  5. Billy, Geraldine, yes a very serious problem, progress is sometimes suspect....

    devil mood - they amuse me too

    polona - yes I think crows generally do know what they're doing. This one certainly seemed to - ie it was having fun!

  6. I find crows irresistible.

  7. A true poet you are; seeing beauty in places strange!

  8. I watched a crow one day last year playing with stones at the ocean. He'd throw it in the air and then run and see if he could catch it. It was hilarious - he did this for about half an hour before finally flying off. It's the first time I ever saw a crow playing.

  9. Anonymous11:19 pm

    Good to hear another crow story. My two cats spent this morning sitting transfixed in front of our living room window watching a crow digging for something in the lawn in front of our house.

  10. Anonymous4:47 am

    I am becoming obsessed with plastic and have become involved in a local Planet Ark campaign to try and convince supermarkets to reduce the amount of plastic packaging they use. Some of them are not terribly receptive to the idea but we are planning to wear them down with our highly convincing arguments. Hehe.

  11. Marc - thanks!

    Janice - that must have been something to see, lovely story...

    jacqui - poor cats must have been wanting to get out and chase perhaps?

    selma - good luck with your campaign.


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