
Tuesday 30 March 2010

Time Traveller

Back in time across the fallen tree river bridge,
where farmhands guide horses pulling ploughs
through fields of meadow flowers
to unspoilt Podebłocie
in the forest heart of Poland.

We built a simple base-camp in a clearing
near a shady spring of pure cold water.
We hung muslin larders from the branches,
the smell of honey luring
invading swarms of wasps.

We spent dirty, dusty days digging,
unearthing coins and other treasures –
mementoes of the even further past –
a perfect Iron Age fort
in the forest heart of Poland.

Evening’s sudden cold drew us to the campfire,
blinking smoke from our eyes, drinking wine from a bottle.
While Janek strummed the Podebłocie Blues,
we gazed at the black night sky.

We watched satellites blink silently overhead,
threading their way through Orion’s belt,
travellers from the Space Age
to the ancient heart of Poland.

originally for a Writer's Island prompt.
reposted for

You can also read two haiku I wrote for Darkskies 2010 here.


  1. I love this take on the prompt! Your descriptions put me right there digging up those artifacts and drinking that wine watching the sky!

  2. A perfect combination of the past and our future, I thought.

  3. Linda, Anthony - thanks!

  4. A fine dig! Feet in both worlds. Very nice!

  5. oh what a wonderful of travelling through time, quite enjoyed this piece...thank you.

  6. Anonymous5:27 am

    You captured the simple beauty of a life in ages past so well. I really enjoyed this!

  7. i find it most intriguing that travels from the future chose the simple pleasure of camping out... very well done....

  8. just jen, tumblewords, ul, selma, paisley - thanks,

  9. Anonymous3:51 pm

    You poem filled all my senses. I am kind of inhaling it.

    seeds travelling tthrough time

  10. Very interesting having the past and the present together for time travel. Thank you visiting mine.

  11. Beautiful words.. had me transfixed

  12. Anonymous3:23 pm

    What a place to camp, to dig, to dream, to write! So many histories compressed here.

  13. Anonymous5:42 pm

    Love how this ended up......a gorgeous thought caught in lovely words.

  14. This piece is a gem. Thanks for sharing us the treasures from your memories of that great place, great experience, from your past.

    I wish you well.

    ~ Jeques

  15. Lovely! I like how you draw the reader through, such wonderful descriptions. :)

  16. Loved all the sensory images in this! A fine poem!

  17. the first line was a great path to follow.. cold nights w/a fire and wine... evening skies... beautiful

  18. You did a masterful job of showing how the past and present are inextricably intertwined. The images of the sights, sounds and sensations of the place drew me in.

  19. Your choice of words enhances the poem with beautiful imagery!

  20. I felt like I was along for the adventure. Lovely writing- visuals and sounds.
    P.S. Have you ever read the bestselling fiction novel The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenberger (not sure if I spelled her last name correctly.) I loved that book, although I enjoyed listening to it on CD, much more than reading it due to the switching off of the two main characters.

  21. like the cadance and simplicity of this narrative poem,the darksky are also way creative

    much love

  22. Really like this one. The blend of an image and and an idea...

  23. definitely took me back to a time where digging for coins and artifacts were a prominent way of life.

  24. What beautiful, descriptive words!

  25. I could see, hear, and smell this story. Thank you for reminding me of the importance of the senses in poetry. It makes me want to craft my work more carefully.

  26. juliet, Timetraveller is a beautiful poem. Yr crafting of it as well as the heart of it touched me good. Thank you,


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