
Wednesday 30 January 2008

My first prompt over at Read Write Poem

I am happy to say that my first prompt over at Read Write Poem is now up. Why not pop over and have a look and think about joining in?


  1. Anonymous2:34 pm

    It's a great prompt! I already wrote my poem so thank you!

  2. Crafty, I loved the prompt, and am glad for your challenge to "join up". I've been wanting to do more poetry, having a hard time committing--and this was the perfect kick in the pants. The prompt inspired me in an unexpected way, but I found myself with a great poem (I hope) shortly thereafter. Thanks!

  3. liza and chicklegirl - I look forward to readng your poems then - thanks for joining in!

  4. I love what you wrote about clothing -- it really is amazing all that goes into clothes -- literally, metaphorically, culturally, genderly (not sure if that's a word), historically, etc. Very thought provoking!


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