
Monday 24 December 2007

Seven Random Things about Christmas

mm at Wanting to Be Here tagged me for the 7 random things meme. I've done this one before more than once but i thought it would be fun to do 7 random things about a mostly crafty and green Christmas:

1. We will have a vegetarian Christmas dinner with nut roast, potatoes, carrots and Brussel sprouts followed by a vegetarian Christmas pudding with custard

2. I handmade all my Christmas cards this year.

3. I bought my sister and her husband ten metres of hedgerow from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

4. Most of the other gifts I have given are handmade, second hand or fair-trade.

5. Gifts that needed to be wrapped, I wrapped in handmade giftbags or in reused paper

6. From our flat we can see fairy lights decorating a crane in a building site!

7. There are reindeer in Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens during December up until Christmas Eve.

I'm not going to tag anyone for this, but feel free to join in if you want! Have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas!


  1. :)
    Nice to see you again...

    I really must pop over soon and have a catch up read of your various pieces...

  2. Thanks for visitng back, inconsequential, I should visit you more often!

  3. your christmas sounds lovely!!! and the more handmade and natural, the better, in my books! have lots of fun, happy christmas and new year too! 'catch up again in january :)

  4. Hi Crafty green poet,
    I like what you have done for your sister, a really good idea. Just checking did you receive your picture in time?
    Merry Christmas and a Happy new year Ho Ho Ho Mark

  5. Merry Christmas and I love the idea of handmade Christmas bags.

  6. I like your seven random facts, I like presents wrapped in brown paper with a pretty tag or ribbon, you've been hard at work with your handmades. I would definitely go to see the reindeer, haven't seen many sleighs parked around here though! Do enjoy your Christmas and wish you a Happy New year too! x

  7. Thanks for doing this, CGP. So glad you took the plunge, and that you went for the festive theme. I had a hunch that you might .... :-)

    I too particularly like the gift of hedgerows. Excellent idea - something I would love to receive myself.

    And reindeer ... worth a trip north for them alone if it becomes an annual event.

    Have a good Christmas and stay warm!

  8. A wonderful and peaceful Christmas, Juliet...

  9. I like to make my own cards, too. Good for you, buying fair trade gifts. Where did you find them? I would love some resources for future reference.

  10. Interesting seven and what a great gift for your sis.

  11. Anonymous1:20 am

    I had a vegetarian christmas as well...but I'd love to convince the rest of the family to do the same along with me...


  12. My-you are crafty aren't you!
    I'll be looking forward to a photo of a Scottish Crossbill if you ever find one!

  13. I too am vegetarian - actually a strict vegan. My Christmas was similar to yours only there were no gifts and I spent the time in quiet meditation and silence with lights and many candles (non-wax kind). It was wonderful, and so peaceful. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas - wishing you the best in the new year Juliet.

  14. Na, Inland Empire Girl- thanks!
    Mark - I've emailed you about the picture - good old Royal Mail eh?

    thisismypatch - I like brown paper packages tied up with string too!

    mm - thanks and yes its lovely to see the reindeer!

    writer and artist - greetings to both of you too - have you entirely switched off comments on your blogs now?

    Sandy - there are lots of places that sell fairtrade in Edinburgh, I'll email you

    Jo - thanks

    Tracey - luckily my partner is veggie too! I know how hard it can be though!

    Larry - if I ever do find a Scottish crossbill to photograph - I'll let you know!

    Janice - you sould as though you had a very peaceful Christmas


Hi, thanks for leaving a comment! I try to visit everyone back!