
Wednesday 5 December 2007

Scottish Government backs millionaire in bid to destroy ecosystems

I suspected that my optimism of a couple of days ago would be short lived. The Scottish Government is to appeal against Aberdeenshire Council's rejection of Donald Trump's proposal to build golf courses and hotels on the coast of Aberdeenshire. I find it strange that a government committed to the idea of an independent Scotland should a) not trust local councils to use their own powers to make their own decisions and b) want to sell off our land to an American billionaire. Not to mention the environmental impact of the development. I also find it strange that the government aren't leaving it to Trump to put in an appeal against the decision.

The appeal will be lead by John Swinney, MSP. Any letters of complaint or even support can be sent to him, using the contact details found on that link.

Of course some people see only the economic benefits that the proposal could bring but at the end of the day if we destroy the environment, we ultimately destroy ourselves and the economy. Progress isn't just about money. Or golf for that matter.


  1. This man has left a heavy footprint on this continent too. There is the odd thing he has done 'humanitarian' wise but always tied to money somehow in my estimation. Caring about the environment has never been one of his concerns here either. For him the bottom line is the buck.

  2. God this sort of thing really burns me up. It's such short-sighted thinking to ruin the environment in the name of tourism and golf tournaments. Sure you'll make money for 5-10 years, but when the planet becomes a flaming ball you're just going to have golf courses and your money will be meaningless.

    Donald Trump, as the representative of Capitalism, is to me, the demon himself.

  3. I hope to see unchanged beauty of Scottish nature some day as I saw it some years ago. I'm sure the battle is not over yet.

  4. Anonymous11:02 pm

    I have posted on this at and the validity of the call in under s 46 of the Scottish planning act (which is highly questionable). This might be of interest.

  5. This sounds, excuse me, about par for the course in America as well. Developer goes to local government, asks for a "variance" for just about every building regulation & code they have on the books. Local government refuses, developer sues. Eventually, the developers buy themselves the government by funding toadies to unseat or replace the current commissioners.

    And this is how abominations like Planet Georgia are created.

  6. Anonymous2:17 am

    I'm going to write a letter of objection about it even though I live in Australia. It is outrageous. Donald Trump really gets on my goat. He should be concentrating on fixing that appalling hairstyle of his rather than destroying natural habitats.

  7. Absolutely. And in some ways I am angrier with the Scottish Government and Alex Salmond than I am with Donald Trump. The latter is what he his but the Scottish Government should know better. It makes me despair of democracy - money always seems to win the day.

    Thanks for the John Swinney link.

  8. Hi Crafty Green Poet,
    You have done it...
    The first Wednesday Wanderings and you have won.Congratulations on yur win, if you could E-mail me with your address I will get the picture off to you in time for Christmas.

    Many Thanks



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