
Sunday 2 December 2007

Signs of Otters

' Otters Crossing' Roadsign, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands

In tv wildlife shows broadcast from remote Scottish islands,

excited presenters whisper your name to camera

imply only patience stands between us and you,

a view shared by the makers of roadsigns.

We however have only ever been teased

by your footprints; leftovers from your meals

found on coastal rocky outcrops

and stories told us in hotel breakfast rooms.

Told in quieter whispers when we return home

are stories of your kind in our town

leaving footprints by our less romantic waters.

Our fingers cross now on every weekend walk.

Roadsign for Totally Optional Prompts


  1. I read this while sitting in a hotel room and just having visited the breakfast room shared by the guests. I love to easedrop on conversation and your lovely poem brought exactly the feeling to me of sneaking a peak into the lives of others but never knowing the full story.

  2. oh... this is wonderful.

  3. thanks Annie and Polona!

  4. We watched the otters this sumer cavorting in the river. They are such playful creatures. Love this poem Juliet.

  5. Anonymous6:26 am

    Wonderful poem, wonderful sign. 'Otters Crossing', I'd love to see them!

  6. I felt folklore in this poem from you style. You took me along this journey.
    I liked "teased by your your footprints" and "our fingers crossed now on every weekend walk.)

  7. Gel, well otters feel like folklore sometimes!

    Selma - I'd love to see them too!

    Janice - oh how lovely to see them play!

    Lucy - thanks!

  8. Nice. I've never even seen the footprints...

  9. Lovely, Juliet. I especially like the line

    imply only patience stands between us and you,

  10. You've described this longing perfectly. The idea of patience making connection with wildlife inevitable--when it is not guaranteed at all--is deftly said.

    I like the idea of taking the longing home.

    What I like best is that this is real!

  11. you know ,, i don't know what an otter is.. i picture it to be something like a beaver... i will have to google them right now.....

  12. Interesting - I've never seen an 'otter crossing' sign and find it very curious and strange. Nice poetry!

  13. Anonymous11:49 pm

    Delightful, Juliet. I too spent long & fruitless hours awaiting the arrival of the otters at a rock pool on Rhum.

  14. Yeah, I've probably/definately not got the patience to wait to see an otter. Fingers crossed you'll see one on your next weekend walk. The photo looks really remote!

  15. Otters are clever little bunkers... endearing as well. Liked this piece Juliet!

  16. very nice; as usual. you are definately the crafty green poet!


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