
Saturday 3 November 2007

Weekend Walk

The weather has been beautiful today, very mild for November and with perfect blue skies. We walked round Arthur's Seat - from the first photo, you'd not think you were in the middle of Scotland's capital city, would you? There were a few birds around including some very aerobatic crows. The trees are stunning at this time of year, especially when the light shines on the leaves.


  1. Stunning, indeed! What a gorgeous city you live in...


  2. Anonymous4:50 pm

    Those pictures are gorgeous! I'm so jealous that you actually get to see autumn - in central Texas there is hardly a hiccup between summer and winter.

  3. gorgeous views! gosh, this makes me want to visit the place

  4. Anonymous10:01 pm

    This is so beautiful! Just what I needed right now to center myself. Thanks!

  5. Wow, and this is downtown? Beautiful. In that first pic, are you standing in the bottom of a bowl?

  6. Beautiful. Simply Beautiful.

  7. What an amazing city to have that! I like your photos

  8. Pixiedust - yes Edinburgh is gorgeous!

    Laura - thanks, yes it's great that we get a good long autumn here.

    Polona - you should definitely visit Edinburgh one day!

    Poet with a Day Job - thanks!

    Farfetched - well we don't use the word downtown over here, but this area is five minutes away from two of the main streets running out of the centre of town, probably 15 mins walk from the exact city centre

    whitesnake, deb - thanks!

  9. Great photos!

    One can be surprised by the loneliness of a park one can find in an otherwise crowded city.
    Autumn is a fine line between the haste and lush of summer and the rigidity and exactness of winter.
    I'm glad to live in a 4-season climate.
    I'd be bored to death in an all-round summer.

    Thanks for visiting my haiku and please drop by more often as I seem to find that we both are on the green side of things.

  10. Here's a green poem of mine, I hope you don't mind if I supply you with the link to it:
    If you happen to have time and arein terested, please take a look at it.
    Thank you!

  11. Anonymous12:13 am

    How wonderful to have such beauty right on your doorstep. Beautiful shots!

  12. I love these pictures, especially the tree. Thanks for sharing this lovliness.

  13. Gorgeous! I'd love to walk there some day.

  14. Anonymous3:40 am

    Just echoing the accolades for the photos. Looks like a place to inspire.


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