
Sunday 4 November 2007


The last
Reunion Giant Tortoise -
empty beaches.

(Reunion is an island in the Indian Ocean.)

Loneliness for One Deep Breath


  1. Very creative, the speaker's position and the tortois' position. Both alone? Reunion linked to ancient tortois....? One does not have to know;it stands beautifully alone.

  2. very sad. i remember watching nature shows about the giant tortoises when i was younger. i was always in awe of them.

  3. Yes, so sad. Will we learn enough, fast enough to prevent ever more of these losses?

  4. even though this is different the meaning i sense you have, it captures the feel of the beach at this time of year so eloquently...

  5. This is so very profound. Well done.

  6. Anonymous12:20 am

    That is heartbreaking and beautiful and makes me angry. I can't bear to think that so many species are in danger of extinction. I can't bear to think of 'empty beaches.' I realise I'm not doing enough. Time to go and pester some unsuspecting MP!

  7. Anonymous1:21 am

    Poignant and thought-provoking - thank you.

  8. Your haiku made me very curious. Googling taught me that Reunion is an island and that the giant tortoises are extinct there. The beaches suddenly felt more then empty. They felt bereft. Terribly sad.

  9. Barone - I realised after your comment that the haiku may have been confusing. I chose the Reunion giant tortoise because that fitted the haiku better. I've now added a link about Reunion island.

    Greggo - I've always been in awe of giant tortoises too.

    Roswil - we can learn fas enough for some species, but for others its already too late

    qualcosa, jo, christine - thanks

    selma - yes pester an MP or two! The more people write about these issues the better!

    Annie Elf - bereft is the word. I added a link to Reunion now - to save everyone googling!

    spacedlaw - it is sad yes

  10. i wonder sometimes as extinction has been a part of life since the beginning of recorded time,, what the "vast eternal plan" really is....

  11. that is sad....fits well into the theme - I could feel the desolation and the pain.

  12. Paisley - well nothing lasts forever, that's always been the way but I know what you mean...

    Krissie - thanks

  13. Anonymous6:17 pm

    The last one-- that is scary, and lonely!

  14. I enjoyed it, especially since it created some imagery in my mind. Very thoughtful.

  15. I agree with Barone. This haiku is extremely creative - indicative of time and change.

  16. Anonymous8:28 pm

    oh, this is so sad and expressed so simply.

  17. Anonymous1:02 am

    KU for U -
    Beautiful poem
    very sad reality for now
    but soon change will come

  18. Beautifully done, very sad. Are we next?

  19. I have a soft spot for all things tortoise, so I love this. I wonder if the tortoise is lonely, or perhaps quite content.

  20. what a sad picture this brings!

  21. Very sad and poignant haiku. An empty beach is a very lonely image.

  22. I think that so describes heart-wrenching loneliness. Hauntingly beautiful.

  23. Well done, Crafty! This haiku is sad but it's also a powerful statement too, of what we are doing to this planet and the critters.

  24. finely crafted, once again.

    thanks for the link. sitting here trying to imagine a 4-foot-long tortoise. you always bring new information and at the same time connect with something already stored...fond memories of tortoises from childhood stories...big, lumbering, gentle giants with the oldest of souls.


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