
Saturday 10 November 2007

The John Murray Archive Exhibition

This is a new permanent exhibition at the National Library of Scotland that was set up recently when the library was donated the archive of the John Murray Publishing firm. This firm has been greatly influential in publishing history and the exhibition showcases work of the authors they published, eleven at a time. The current featured authors include Charles Darwin (scientist), David Livingstone (explorer), Lord Byron (poet), Isabella Bird Bishop (traveller and photographer) and Maria Rundell (cookery writer). The exhibition is interactive, with loads of information on each of the writers and exhibits drawing parallels between publishing in the early days and the modern day industry.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that sounds really interesting!! Something I would like to see one day.

    Also, I agree with what you said about small coffee shops having more character... there's one here I frequent, it's even open till 3AM. But I was impressed Starbucks was even concerned about the environment lol. :)



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