
Thursday 1 November 2007

Green Toothpaste update

Since my previous post about toothpaste, I've been studying the toothpaste tubes in the health food shop and I found two brands of toothpaste that are free of Sodium lauryl sulphate and parabens, the additives found in most toothpastes that have links with health problems including cancer. (SLS also comes from oil palms that are grown in plantations that are responsible for rainforest loss, so is also bad from an environmental point of view). The brands are: Sarakan and Green People. Sarakan is vegan, approved by Dental Boards while Green People is vegetarian and as far as I know not approved by any Dental Board. One website that sells Sarakan claims that it contains a paraben ingredient, but this isn't true according to the packaging. Both are produced in the UK, which is a great plus for me, as I like to buy local where ever possible. I bought a tube of Sarakan, now it just has to pass the taste test....


  1. Anonymous6:33 pm

    Saraken do a really nice mouthwash, well, as nice as mouthwash can be, it's not too strong or chemically.

  2. Katherine, thanks that's useful to know

  3. hey there again, i only just discovered this update you did. i found this article on the ecologist website (do you know the ecologist? great informative magazine!) and am sending the link on to my mum, then i realised you might be interested in the read too!
    happy brushing with sarakan! - ps - did it pass the taste test?

  4. Na - thanks for that - I read the Ecologist every month. We've not opened the Sarakan yet as we're still using our last tube of Kingfisher. Maybe we should open it now though just for the taste test...


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