
Wednesday 14 November 2007

American (Holiday) Sentences

For a seven year old, California was a real adventure

Seeing the Half Dome in Yosemite Park made the sore legs worthwhile

Chipmunks darted to my hands to eat the nuts we had brought to Muir Woods

Walking down hot hot sand to the joy of cold water at Lake Tahoe

Dusk, hummingbirds hovering on feeders in a suburban garden

Because I'm British, on my Alter Ego blog, My Sentences are Not American

American Sentences for Read Write Poem


  1. I tagged you in a meme on my blog... don't hate me lol! :)

  2. ah, that's northern california for you. so many opportunities for adventure. thanks for the reminder! =)

  3. Anonymous2:13 pm

    British or American, I really like the lines!

  4. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Ah, this is superb, I couldnt help but smile at the last line coming from a Scot. Maybe you are not a Scot but just living in Edinburgh?...a good friend of mine, a Scotsman, always referred to Scotland instead of Britain. :)

  5. Thanks Abzdragon, I like being tagged!

    Odessa - so many indeed!

    Gautami - thanks!

    Ul - no I'm English, I refer to Scotland rather than Britain but I would never call myself Scottish

  6. You created some great images with very few words! Like them!

  7. Anonymous10:24 pm

    I like how your American Sentences formed a longer poetic theme. It's a nice way to record a trip, or an outing.

    Maybe you could call them Anglo Sentences. :)

  8. Anonymous4:47 am

    Great way to record memories.

  9. Anonymous2:41 pm

    These were very fun. I love the very american setting!

  10. So American it makes one want to take a vacation out there!

  11. Anonymous2:06 am

    British, yet with a beautiful reminder of how diverse the landscape in in the us. (so much for a 17 syllable comment!)


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