
Friday 12 October 2007

Victorian Lines

When I was in Manchester over the past few days, I went to this event at Manchester Art Gallery. Short Story Writer David Gaffney took us round the Art Treasures in Manchester exhibition, stopping at selected paintings and photos to read microfiction pieces and stories he had written inspired by the exhibition. David Gaffney can use few words to create a lot of impact and the stories were in turn, thought provoking, humourous and disturbing. The stories will be added to the Art Gallery's website at some point - I'll try to remember to post the direct link at some point. If you're in Manchester at any point, its worth seeing the exhibition, its on until 27 January 2008


  1. Hi Juliet - it was great to meet you at the exhibition. Gaffney's little proses pieces were excellent. Thanks for putting in the links as I'll be looking forward to reading them when they go online. I though it was excellent that the gallery provided portable chairs for people to take into the gallery so they didn't have to stand all the time.

  2. Thanks Gerald, i enjoyed meeting you too. Yes the portable chairs were a great idea!


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