
Monday 1 October 2007

Pink for October

As some of you may already have noticed, Alter Ego and Bolts of Silk have gone Pink for October to raise awareness of breast cancer. Crafty Green Poet has to remain green as far as I'm concerned, but as Nia pointed out in a comment on Alter Ego, there are environmental factors in breast cancer so I thought I'd experiment with ways of incorporating pink into the overall green decor of this blog. I'll post on the topic sometime this month too.


  1. Perhaps campaigns to promote non-underwire bras and the use of aluminium-free deodorant might do more to help banish breast cancer, since both have been linked to the disease

    Mind you it's hard to find a non-aluminimun deodorant that actually works, having said that!

  2. Hi Laura - I use a non-aluminium deoderant and it works pretty well. Lasts for ages too.

  3. Which one, Juliet? I use Toms of Maine and am just trying out a new Aussie tea tree one which I can't remember the name of. Both are okay except on really roasting days LOL

  4. And sometimes the cancer is just in you like a time bomb waiting to explode and it has nothing to do with deoderant or bras.
    I just lost a 30-year-old friend (PhD student, mother of two, instructor at the local university). And when it's someone you love, you really don't care about the bras or the deoderant. (Although, I personally would never wear an underwire bra because they're beastly uncomfortable and I think you should all use whatever deoderant you wish....)
    But yes, research needs to be done -- good, solid research to weed out old wives' tales and find out what's really going on. Hey, when my parents were kids, everyone still worried about polio. When my grandparents were young, whooping cough and smallpox still took lives.
    Someday, someone's going to figure this one out, too. In the meantime, support your local scientists and look towards the answers.
    (Oh yeah, and get your yearly check ups; Aubrey lived 3 extra years because they caught hers early. I just had my yearly check up done -- right after her funeral.)

  5. So many people are promoting breast cancer month...even the Mexican soccer league is playing with pink balls to show their support. Isn't that awesome?!?

  6. Thanks for the sprinkles of pink on your blog. My mom has been a breast cancer survivor now for ten years. All the women in our family believe in early detection and do our mammograms each year.

  7. ...must go pink right now! thanks, i didn't know about this intelligent initiative...

  8. Jo - I use the Neals Yard Remedies crystal deoderant

    Paperback writer - i agree, sometimes it does come out of nowhere. Research is essential, but there are also ways you can minimise risk, aluminium free deoderant os a good idea anyway, as it has also been linked to Alzheimers.

    Mamachita - its great to see support from so many people, you're right!

    Inland Empire Girl - yes, early detection, mammograms

    na - I'll pop over and see you in your pink blog then!

  9. Anonymous2:15 pm

    I lost a very dear friend to breast cancer last month. It is a good thing there is so much awareness out there. I pray that one day we will find a cure.

  10. Swelma - so sorry you lost your friend. I hope that all the awareness raising means we find a cure quicker.

  11. Anonymous3:51 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear that it is cancer. Praying for healing, and for peace for your family.

  12. Kelly - I don't have cancer, no, I'm joining in awareness raising.


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